Working together to provide patient care
Our 2 Primary Care Networks provide new and additional health and wellbeing services to our patients. Working in partnership with our 8 GP Practices, we deliver extra services such as wound care, physiotherapy, mental health support, wellbeing clinics, respiratory reviews, BP monitoring, frailty home visits, medication reviews and other innovations.
Beeston PCN and Middleton & Hunslet PCN were established in 2019, and we’ve been working together ever since.
Beeston PCN covers 4 GP surgeries with a combined patient list size of approximately 44,000 patients and Middleton & Hunslet PCN has a list size of approximately 33,000 and has 4 member practices.
Much of the work carried out by the PCN to support the practices, patients and care homes is done collaboratively between the 2 PCN’s with a more targeted approach done at individual PCN level.
Working with the wider health and wellbeing community the PCN’s facilitate new roles and services to help meet the needs of their combined patient population and their carers.
The David Oluwale Bridge, South Bank, Leeds
A British citizen, he came to Leeds from Nigeria in 1949 in search of a better life.
Hounded to his death near Leeds Bridge, two policemen were imprisoned for their crimes.